Welcome to A Perry Good Time, Alex Perry's weekly blog about her experience being a fall intern for BRAVO!. We love our intern blogs and hope you enjoy following Alex!

Week 1
September 5 - September 9, 2016
My name is Alex Perry and I am the newest project intern this Fall semester at BRAVO!. I “pahk my cah in Hahvahd Yahd” back home outside of Boston, Massachusetts, but I attend St Lawrence University in Canton, New York. This Fall semester marks the first half of my senior year of undergrad. (I. Know.) So what does that mean? Well, in May of 2017 I’m off to the real world, and let me tell you, I’ve gotten pretty used to college.
My spring semester of junior year I was living the life, or at least, I thought I was. Going to the one (yes, one) bar in town and taking advantage of Tuesday and Wednesday night drink specials. Ordering a “fat bag” on a Friday night and collapsing in a food coma on the living room couch (for reference a “fat bag” is a pizza rolled up and deep fried at the local pizza place near school. Colloquial, obviously). Doing, if I do say so myself, pretty dang well at my job in the theater. Being a teaching assistant for a public speaking class that stole my heart. In every way, I was relishing living in “the bubble”. But it was time to make a change. It was time to have *~my moment~*.
I am now spending the semester at The Washington Center, a program that has both internship and academic components. Four days a week I’m at BRAVO!, one night a week I have a night class, and one day a week I have programming at TWC. This is my “trial run” of adult life… and I love it! Granted, some days it’s a little hard putting on nice clothes and going to work – I’m a sweatpants 75% of the time kind of gal – but I’m adapting. Success.
But the reason for this quick adaptation? I guess I could say I’m the reason. I made this happen, and I’m the one moving forward. But [WARNING: cheesy alert. cheesy alert.] it’s also BRAVO!. I love BRAVO!. I love work. What’s that saying? Something like “if you do something you love you’ll never work a day in your life”? Well, by the end of the semester, I think we might end up approaching that type of territory, folks.
The past week has been a whirlwind at BRAVO!, with meetings, a site visit, and office time – OH MY! We have an event coming up on the 20th for DC Chamber of Commerce. It’s a Golf Classic! (BRB. Going to Amazon to order “Golf for Dummies”.) After spending the week getting my bearings and figuring out the ins and outs of 413 8th Street SE, I cannot wait for my next day at work. To be honest, I’m just kind of bummed I have to wait until Monday…
Let's catch up next week with a new post here on my blog series, but until then have "A Perry Good Time!" *Cheesiness intended*